This message of God’s full and complete forgiveness of sins was heard and rejected by the proud, blind, corrupt Judaism of Jesus’ day, but a handful of religious outcasts received it as the best news that could ever be heard by listening ears, and they became the early nucleus of a new people of God known as the church, the called-out assembly, whom Christ has received as the inheritance and reward of His sacrifice. And we, the church of Jesus Christ, are now the guardians and custodians of the truth of sins forgiven in the shed blood of the Son of Glory. 

So when the New Testament enumerates the results of Christ’s death, the forgiveness of our sins is described as secure, certain and complete. Paul says, “And you . . . He [God] has made alive together with Him [Christ], having forgiven you all your trespasses” (Col 2:13). John writes in his first epistle, “I write to you, little children, because your sins have been forgiven you [perfect tense–past event with standing results] for His name’s sake” (1 John 2:12).

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