In today’s program, Paul Trask continues his study of Luke 4.

  • Jesus compares His present ministry to that of Israel’s national heroes, Elijah & Elisha, implying the same deplorable conditions in Judah as had existed in Northern Israel, before its overthrow by Assyria (Luke 4:25–30; I Kings 17:7–24; II Kings 5:1–19; Luke 7:1–17)
  • Elijah & Moses meet Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration, discussing Jesus impending arrest, trial, crucifixion and resurrection (Matthew 17:1–13)
  • Jesus explains that John the Baptist was His prophesied forerunner, the Elijah who was to come (Matthew 11:7–15)
  • The angel Gabriel visits Zechariah, promising the birth of John the Baptist, and providing his job description as the promised Elijah and forerunner of Israel’s Messiah (Luke 1:11–17)
  • The Old Testament prophet Malachi prophesied the coming of both John the Baptist, as well as Jesus Christ, and explains the function & role of each (Malachi 3:1–5, 4:5–6)

(Luke 4:16–30; I Kings 17:7–24; II Kings 5:1–19; Luke 7:1–17; Matthew 17:1–13, 11:7–15; Luke 1:11–17; Jeremiah 3:6–11; Malachi 3:1–5, 4:5–6)