Today, Paul Trask continues his study of Galatians.

  • Detailed look at Paul’s autobiographical section, Galatians 1:11-2:10
  • Two visits to Jerusalem, separated by 14 years
  • Titus, an uncircumcised Gentile, stands in by proxy for the Gentile Christians in Galatia as a “test case” for the second meeting
  • Paul’s “law free” gospel is neither objected to, nor augmented/supplemented by the Jerusalem church during either visit
  • On the contrary, Jerusalem’s apparent leaders warmly support Paul’s Gentile mission

Next week will continue starting with Galatians 2:11, and then move into Paul’s  theologically rich chapter 3.

  • The theology of Galatians will refute a recent form of theology, popular in many Christians churches today – Dispensationalism
  • Dispensational theology (known for its “pre-tribulation rapture” theory), though popular, is actually a very recent innovation in American Christianity, going back only 100 years or so
  • Dispensationalism has had a profound – and negative – impact on the Church, our nation and the world since its arrival on the scene
  • The foundational presupposition upon which all Dispensational theology rests is the claim that there are presently TWO peoples of God, and that God has TWO completely separate and independent covenants with these TWO separate peoples
  • This TWO peoples of God theory was unheard of before the middle of the 1800s, and qualifies as a modern American heresy
  • Dispensationalism is a convoluted system, out of sync with genuine theology, and has bred much confusion in Christianity

Paul Trask also announces the formation of a new “Liberty Fellowship” in eastern Jackson County, Missouri. This new group seeks to provide spiritual fellowship for those who have already rejected Dispensationalism, which is so popular in churches today. And we also seek to come alongside and help those who are recovering from their involvement in Dispensationalism and its related heresy of Christian Zionism. Those who don’t presently have a clue what all this is about are also welcome to come and learn!

(Galatians 1:11-2:10; Acts 13-14)