In today’s program, Paul Trask moves into chapter 3 of Galatians.

  • Chapter 2:11-21 was an in-house Jewish discussion, and Gentile Christians were invited to listen in
  • Chapter 3:1-5 is Paul’s Gentile discussion, and Jews are invited to listen in
  • Flesh v. Spirit is a major theme of Paul’s, especially in Galatians
  • The gift of the Holy Spirit, which commenced on Pentecost, ushered in a brand new age, and changed everything – forever!
  • By demanding a literal understanding of their own scriptures, 1st century Jewish theology got it all wrong – here’s how:
    1. Gentiles were unclean sinners, therefore God’s Holy Spirit would never be given to them
    2. God’s bestowal of His Holy Spirit would only accompany strict, observant Law-keeping
    3. The pouring out of the Spirit would signal the prophetic restoration of the genetic, geopolitical, Law-keeping nation of Israel
  • This new age of the Spirit, and Gentile inclusion in the new Spiritual Israel, was a mystery in Old Testament times, now unveiled through the Spirit of Christ
  • To ignore the unveiling of this mystery, is a fatal theological error
  • Today’s “pop theology” of Dispensationalism has also ignored this mystery, completely embracing this same fatal theological error, and has taken American Christianity right back into the very same kind of literal misunderstandings which plagued 1st century Jewish theology
  • Today Christians need to heed the advice of Paul to the Galatians, “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25), by finding time to be alone with God, in order to hear Him, and to be responsive to the leading, guiding and providing of His precious Spirit

(Galatians 3:1-5; Acts 2:14–18; Colossians 1:24–27; Ephesians 2:11–3:6; 2 Corinthians 3:13–18; Hebrews 10:1; Colossians 2:16–17; Galatians 5:25)