This program focuses deeply on God’s ultimate gift to mankind, “The Word Made Flesh” (John 1:14) in the person of Jesus Christ.

  • The program starts off with a story by Paul’s wife, Leslie, which relates directly to today’s message. The story features a farmer endeavoring to save his precious birds during a blizzard. Though he seeks to do his birds good, alas, they are afraid of him, to their own detriment, and the farmer’s dismay. He wishes he could become one of them, on order to lead them to safety.
    • In like manner the Old Testament nation of Israel was afraid of her God
  • Christmas changed all that when, “The Word was made flesh” 
    • The “Word” here is the Greek “Logos,” not easily translated into English, but has the sense of  “mind,” “reason,” “word in action” or “PURPOSE”
    • And so Jesus Christ is the tangible expression, and very embodiment of God’s “PURPOSE” 
  • The underlying Greek for “dwelling” or “dwelt” is not the customary word for dwelling, but rather is based on the word for “tent,” which is actually used elsewhere to translate Israel’s “tabernacle,” or as it was originally referred to “tent of meeting,” where God would meet with His people
    • Jesus Christ has now become God’s NEW “tent of meeting” where God will now meet with His people
  • As God manifested His glory at the old Tent of Meeting and through mighty actions, Jesus Christ also displayed God’s glory and in mighty actions throughout His ministry
  • John says Jesus is the “only begotten” of the Father
    • Only one God in Israel, “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one” (Deuteronomy 6:4)
    • Only one tent of meeting, only one tabernacle, only one temple
    • Only one Son
    • John here is telling us that Jesus has now been designated as God’s only ‘tent of meeting’ – His exclusive one; and Jesus himself confirms this, ‘No one comes to the Father except through me’ (John 14:16)
  • Jesus identifies Himself as the new Temple of God, and greater than the Jerusalem Temple
    • The New Testament authors explain in more detail that Jesus, and His Church are the New Covenant Temple of God

Out of the entire sweep of history, Jesus’ life was short, His ministry even shorter, and His crowning achievement – dying a hideous death on a wooden stake on an obscure road outside of town – only a few brief hours. If we blinked, we might even miss it.

And so God provided the Old Covenant nation Israel and her Temple as a 1,400 year long picture-arrow – an allegory – pointing to His ultimate purpose, His “Logos,” in the person of Jesus Christ, in His life, His ministry and to the Kingdom he would inaugurate – so we wouldn’t miss all that He has done for us.

(John 1:14; Exodus 19:16–22, 20:18–19, 40:34–35; Luke 3:21–22; Matthew 17:1–7; Deuteronomy 6:4; John 14:16; Exodus 33:18–19, 34:5–6; Matthew 12:1–6; John 2:13–22; Ezek 11:23; Luke 13:31–35; Matthew 27:50–51; Hebrews 10:19–22; John 15:12–15; Ephesians 2:19–22; 1 Peter 2:4–5; 1 Corinthians 6:15, 10:16, 12:27; Hosea 2:19; Colossians 2:17; Hebrews 10:1; Hebrews 12:18–24; Revelation 21:22; John 3:16–17; Luke 2:10)