In today’s program, Paul Trask returns to his study of Galatians, having focused on Christmas themes during the past two programs, (1) Handel’s Messiah and (2) The Word Made Flesh.

  • Ancient literature, including the New Testament and Galatians in particular, utilized a chiastic structure, wherein the climax is in the center of the work
    • Galatians 3:26-29, and especially verse 29 is the climax of not only chapter 3, but of the whole book
  • Here in Galatians, Paul demonstrates and explains the striking dichotomy between “flesh” and “Spirit,” equating “works of the Law” with “flesh.” This will become his especial focus in chapter 5
  • “Today’s Jews Aren’t” genetic children of Abraham – extensive discussion of the Khazarian adoption of Judaism in the 8th century, and their ultimate migration into Eastern Europe, now know as Ashkenazi Jews
    • Arthur Koesttler’s 1976 book, “The Thirteenth Tribe” chronicles the history of this Khazarian adoption of Judaism and migration (view on Amazon)
    • Eran Elhaik’s 2012 DNA study of global Judaism confirms that 90+% of the world’s “Jewish” population are actually Khazarian (view the report)
    • Today’s population of Israel, therefore, cannot claim ancestral rights to that land, because their ancestors were never there to begin with
    • “Times of Israel” article acknowledges Khazarian origins, and announces a “secret” plan of reverse migration from Israel to the Ukraine (ancient Khazaria) claiming ancestral rights (view the article
    • John the Baptist, Jesus and Paul tell us that New Covenant believers become children of Abraham because they share his faith, not his genetic structure
  • God’s covenant with Abram was unilateral, and unconditional – Abram only expressed his faith in God’s promises
  • God’s covenant with Israel was bilateral and laden with conditions, which Israel continuously violated

Like God’s covenant with Abram, the New Covenant in Christ is also unconditional – premised only on the Believer’s faith in the completed work of Christ on the cross

And that is Good News!!

(Galatians 3:1-5, 6-9, 26-29; 1 Corinthians 15:47–49; Matthew 3:7–10; John 8:31–44; Genesis 12:1–3; Exodus 19:7–8; Deuteronomy 26:16–17, 28:1, 15, 30:19–20; Genesis 15:1-6; Luke 22:20; Jeremiah 31:31–34)