The 11th chapter of John’s gospel celebrates a “coming out” party, that concludes with the joy of Lazarus coming out of the grave. The same joy that was celebrated in John 11 is appointed for us as well. The resurrection will be the greatest coming out party in all of history as time merges into eternity, and the new creation is celebrated by a new humanity that will dwell in the New Jerusalem in a new heavens and new earth! We will all sing a new song of our redemption. We will be clothed in new garments of righteousness.

Everything about our new life will have cast off all semblance of our old life. We will not grow older in heaven; we will only grow newer. The concept of oldness will be washed away in a world were change only makes better because it only makes newer! This is the new world that awaits us in the resurrection. It was purchased in the atoning death of our Savoir and secured in His resurrection that now stands as the living guarantee that resurrection glory is our future as well! Hallelujah! What a Savior!

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