This is the 4th and final message of a 4 part series on the 15th chapter of Luke which contains the parable of The Return of the Prodigal Son.
This message focuses on the final section of chapter 15, verses 25–32. Here, the older son comes in from the field and is angered by the celebration occasioned by the return of his wayward younger brother.
And once again, the father amazingly allows himself to suffer humiliation, this time at the hands of this older son, just as he had earlier at the hands of his younger son.
In concluding this story, Jesus’ now brings His condescending audience, the “Pharisees and teachers of the Law,” right up onto the stage with Himself. And they are eyeball to eyeball. The tension is so thick, you could cut it with a knife.
Will they allow themselves to be “found,” as the younger son had? And will they then join in the celebration at hand?
We are not told; we are left in tension. We must finish the story ourselves. And we must then also finish the story FOR ourselves. Where do we find ourselves in this drama?