Because God is a forgiving God, He is a healing God! These two are inseparable accompaniments of each other. Our healing always touches multiple levels in varying proportions—the emotional, the spiritual and the physical. These are not separable categories in our lives. We cannot rigidly distinguish between emotional and spiritual illness, which inevitably also carry in them physical implication. God is concerned about the whole person: body, soul, spirit, mind, will, and emotions.

So if we harbor grudges, offenses, anger, bitterness and unforgiveness against someone, we create the conditions in which emotional, spiritual, and physical ill health and disease will grow. And when we let loose of those grudges, offenses, anger, and bitterness by forgiving the offenses of others, we establish the foundations for our own healing in all the dimensions of life—emotional, spiritual, and physical.

The same is true at the corporate level of the church body. If we create a setting where the unconditional love and forgiveness of heaven find continual expression in our relationships one with another, we are establishing our church as a place where healing can and will follow in all its multiplied dimensions!

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