Born Free!

Paul Trask continues his study of Galatians today, by moving into the final portion of chapter 4, verses 21-31, dealing with Sarah and Hagar. The Apostle Paul’s spiritual insights here are amazing! Paul surveys in some detail, the original story of Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael and Isaac, starting in Genesis 12, Read more…

All Grown Up Now

Paul Trask continues making his way through Galatians by looking at a section of the text from 3:26 to 4:7, spanning a chapter break. Before looking at the content of this section, Paul spends some time looking at modern editorial features of our current Bibles, providing a historical context Chapter Read more…

Divine Clemency

Paul Trask continues his study of the book of Galatians with an examination of chapter 3:21-25. Paul reviews the criteria Jesus and the Apostle Paul use to determine whether or not someone can rightfully be considered a “child of Abraham” These criteria present HUGE issues for today’s American Church, and Read more…

The Curse of the Mosaic Law

Today, Paul Trask reviews some background from prior weeks, and then continues his study of Galatians, moving into chapter 3, verses 10-14. Ancient literature, including the New Testament and Galatians in particular, utilized a chiastic structure, wherein the climax is in the center of the work Galatians 3:26-29, and especially Read more…